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$DATE$ - The date in the format set on the computer. Example: 29/04/04


$TIME$ - The time in the format set on the computer. Example: 13:12:02


$DATETIME$ - The date and time in the format set on the computer. Example: 29/04/04 13:12:02


$DATESTRIP$ - The date in the format set on the computer, but only digits. Example: 290404


$TIMESTRIP$ - The time in the format set on the computer, but only digits. Example: 131202


$DATETIMESTRIP$ - The date and time in the format set on the computer, but only digits. Example: 290404 131202


$DATECLEAN$ - The date in the format set on the computer, but only characters that can be used in a filename. Example: 29-04-04


$TIMECLEAN$ - The time in the format set on the computer, but only characters that can be used in a filename. Example: 13-12-02


$DATETIMECLEAN$ - The date and time in the format set on the computer, but only characters that can be used in a filename. Example: 29-04-04 13-12-02


$DATEA$ - the abbreviation for the current day of the week


$DATEAA$ - the full name of the current day of the week


$DATEB$ - the abbreviation for the current month


$DATEBB$ - the full name for the current month


$DATED$ - the number of the current day (01 - 31).


$DATEJ$ - the number of the current day in the year (001 - 366).


$DATEM$ - the number of the current month (01 - 12).


$DATEU$ - the number of the current week in the year, where Sunday is the first day of the week (00 - 53).


$DATEW$ - the number of the current day of the week, (0 - 6; Sunday = 0).


$DATEWW$ - the number of the current week in the year according to the ISO standard, where Monday is the first day of the week (00 - 53).


$DATEY$ - the current year, the last two digits as a number (00 - 99).


$DATEYY$ - the current year in full.


$TIMEH$ - The current hour in the 24-hour (ISO) format (00 - 23).


$TIMEI$ - The current hour in the 12-hour format (01 - 12).


$TIMEM$ - The current minute (00 - 59).


$TIMEP$ - the pm/am indicator for the 12-hour format


$TIMES$ - the current second (00 - 59).


Program name


$RECVONO$ - the number of the received program with a prefix. Example: O12


$RECVONO4$ - the 4-digit number of the received program with a prefix. Example: O0012


$RECVONO6$ - the 6-digit number of the received program with a prefix. Example: O000012


$RECVONO8$ - the 8-digit number of the received program with a prefix. Example: O00000012




$ORGPATH$ - the filename sent or received last and its path. Example: C:\MILL\Mould.nc


$ORGNAME$ - the filename sent or received last. Example: Mould.nc


$ORGNAMENOEXT$ - the filename sent or received last time, without its extension. Example: Mould


$ORGEXT$ - the extension of the file name sent or received last time. Example: nc


$ORGDIR$ - the path of the file that was sent or received last time. Example: C:\MILL




$PORTNAME$ - the name of the serial port. Example: COM1


$MACHINENAME$ - the name of the machine in the configuration. Example: Generic CNC Machine


$MACHINEDESC$ - the description of the machine in the configuration. Example: Left-top cornet of the hall 1


$OPERATOR$ - the machine operator login received from the machine using the "Operator name" command.


Report variables


$RECVPRGNAME$ - the name (number) of the program received last. Example: 5643


$RECVFILESIZE$ - the size in bytes of the program file received last. Example: 604


$RECVFILENAME$ - the full name of the program file on the disk received last. Example: TEST.NC


$RECVDIRNAME$ - the name of the folder where the program file received last was saved. Example: C:\MILL\


$RECVPATH$ - the full name of the program file received last and its path. Example: C:\MILL\TEST.NC


$RECVERRTEXT$ - a brief description in the English language of the error that occurred while receiving the last file. Example: File not found.


$RECVBYTES$ - the amount of the received bytes


$RECVLINES$ - the amount of the received lines


$RECVERRORS$ - the amount or errors that occurred during the process of receiving


$RECVLPS$ - data receiving rate (lines per second)


$RECVCPS$ - data receiving rate (characters per second)