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Some machines need time to process the received data. To save the time for analyzing handshaking signals, you can specify preset delays that will ensure high-quality and robust data transmission.


To change time delays, you should open the "Delays" window (fig. 8)



Fig. 8. Specifying delays.




Transmission timeout (s) - Use this field to specify the time interval for the DNC Precision to return to the normal working mode.


Delay before transmission start (ms) - Use this field to specify the time for the DNC server to wait before sending data. This time interval will be observed either when a request is received from the NC in the server mode or between files in a cyclic mode of transmitting files.


Delay before each line (ms) - Use this field to specify the time interval to be observed before sending each program line.


Delay between characters in line (ms) - Use this field to specify the time interval to be observed between sending each character in a line.


Handshake resume delay (ms) - Use this field to specify the time interval to be observed between changes of RTS signal from up to down state.

Handshake timeout (s) (Drip feed mode) - our software supports drip feeding the large program to the machine control. In this mode, the DNCP sends a portion of data while the machine is receiving it. When the machine can't receive more (a machine memory is full) then the machine sends a signal to a PC (with help of the hardware flow control lines or the XOff character) and the PC waits unlimited time. When the machine is ready to receive a next portion of data, then the machine sends XOn or enable hardware flow control and the DNCP send a next portion of data.




Receiving timeout (s) - Use this field to specify the time interval for DNCP to return to the normal working mode if no data received at all.


File begin sign timeout (s) - After this interval, DNCP will return to the normal working mode if no the program beginning sign (usually %) is received. This interval is being measured since any bytes is received from a CNC machine.


File end sign timeout (s) - After this interval, DNCP returns to the normal working mode and discards all received data if the program ending sign (usually %) is not received. This interval is being measured since the program begin sign is received.


Handshake resume delay (ms) - Use this field to specify the time interval to be observed between changes of RTS signal from up to down state.